Parents as Disciplers encourages Christian parents to be intentional in nurturing their children's spirit, starting as early as in the womb and birth. You'll find tips on how to incorporate God and His Word in your daily interactions with your child.
Prayer Closet Collection
Your prayer closet is a space that you designate to meet with the Lord. Make it your own as you surround yourself with reminders of His promises and commands.
God is the Creator of the world and everything in it. That includes us. We are made in His image. We all were born with a measure of creativity and the ability to create. Your child's artistry may be musical, oratorical, literary, kinesthetic, problem solving, and the list goes on.
Even Pablo Picasso has been loosely quoted as saying, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
Your child was born an artist. Cultivate their creativity by:
• providing various materials
• introducing them to music and different instruments
• allowing for frequent open-ended play
• celebrating the process, not just the product
• playing outside 2 to 3 hours per day
• helping them explore and learn skills in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math)
Be on the lookout for our new Artfully His activities and check out art supplies available for purchase!